ERP, which literally means: Enterprise Resource Planning.
This is, an industry term that refers to purposeful, enterprise management planning with multi-module applied software that helps run the business across all divisions and points of purpose.
Purpose in ERP Systems:
All processes in ERP systems aim to manage each other in integration.
In companies that do not have an ERP system, construction data may be recorded; BUT it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to reach, collect, report and see the situation.
In "ERP Systems"; All your construction sites, all data are under your control and your laptop is away.
In ERP Systems;
* It can be ensured that an information is entered once, shared when necessary, and consistent,
* Improvements and changes can be made in existing business processes in line with company targets,
* It is possible to have an Information System in which all processes work in an integrated manner,
* Operations can be recorded quickly, without errors, with minimum cost,
* Operational and analytical reports containing accurate, consistent, real-time, detailed, and standard information can be prepared when requested, and an infrastructure can be created for other potential projects targeted at the Company.
How ERP Evolved
In the 1960s, the attention of production systems was focused on Inventory control. Therefore, most of the hardware packages were designed in accordance with traditional inventory concepts. In the 1970s, attention turned to MRP (Material Requirement Planning) systems, which translated the Master program for result units into time-presented network requirements for sub-translation, parts and raw material planning and procurement.
In the 1980s, the concept of MRP-II (Manufacturing Resources Planning), an extension of MRP, emerged in sales centers and Distribution administration activities. In the early 1990s, the fields of MRP, Engineering, Human Resources, Project Management, etc. were further expanded to cover the full range of activities within any business venture, for example. Thus, the term ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) was coined. In addition to system needs, ERP also addresses technology situations such as client/service distribution architecture, RDBMS, purpose-oriented programming, etc. ERP systems - Bandwidth ERP solutions also address broad business areas such as Production, Distribution, Finance, Project Management, Service and Maintenance, Transportation etc. In short, there must be complete integration to ensure clarity and consistency in the enterprise.