Technical Office is an important unit in Project Management.
The main duties of the Technical Offices are:
In the first place; Is to make a budget; Of course, this task starts with quantities, Unit Price logs are created, Market research is done, Cost Analysis is done, Overhead Analysis is done, Project Discovery is completed. - Work Schedule is created.
During the construction process; It supervises the production realizations in line with the work program, arranges the progress payments of the realized productions on the basis of the company or subcontractors. Supervises cost controls, prepares budget realization reports.
Yes, as you can see, the basic duties of the Technical Offices are very clear.
So, how and in which environment will they fulfill these tasks by sharing? With "Excel Sheets"?
At this point, I would like to ask the following questions;
** If the projects are in dwg format and not 3D, how will you get the quantities? By manually calculating the quantity and keeping it in excel sheets?
Let's say your Architect worked in 3D; How will you get these quantities from the 3D project on the basis of "Location"?
** For example, in a hotel project, very important tasks fall on the Interior Architect. Who will you ask for the meter? Are you going to ask the architect to process the productions to be made in all areas in a 3D model one by one in each location? Let's say there are 5 types of rooms in that hotel, which has 2000 hotel rooms in total. Will you get the required quantities from BIM? From whose BIM project? "Render" from layouts?
** In which environment and how will you create Project Discovery?
** How will you ensure that it is evaluated on a time scale?
** What is progress payment? Isn't it the contractor's receivables assessed on a Time scale?
** You know that subcontractor teams work. How will you measure what productions they create in which time period, in which region?
** How will you convey the deficient and problematic works that you have identified in your measurements to the subcontractors?
** You made a Work Program. How will you ensure that priority works are carried out according to Total Float values? How will you be able to calculate the amount of material in the areas that need to be done with priority? If the required material has not yet arrived at the construction site, how will you comply with the work schedule?
Yes friends; Aircraft won't stay in the air, they will definitely land, but how? By falling? Or Safety?
Not in an unfinished project. BUT HOW DOES IT END?
In my 50 years of professional life, I have personally witnessed that many construction companies that were in the top ten both in our country and in the world, have disappeared.
Conclusion; These basic duties of Technical Offices can only be fulfilled through an ERP structured in the "Construction Project Management" content.
With BIM Integration in Avinal ERP, we have integrated "Construction Project Management" into "One Click" operations.
You will see all these operations in this graphic, which can be seen in the upper left corner of the other pages, when you press the relevant operation number or the relevant module box, you will see mp3 video information files and audio (docx or xlsx) files.
When you “double-click” on these files, you will see that the size of the file changes or you will be vocalized and information about that content will be given. To exit that file, you can use the close key in the lower left corner.
01* (Process 1) We import all quantities from 3D BIM Projects to the "Quantity and Practical Quantity" module with "One Click".
Barut Hotel Didim.mp4
Sample Quantity Take off From Architecturel Project.mp4
02* (Operation 2) We create the “One Touch” Estimation file from these Quantities. This process also assigns the manufacturing pose and descriptions of the relevant job, if not available, to the Unit Price files of that job.
Creating Estimation from Quantity Take off's.mp4
03* (Process 3 ), we are constructing the algorithm according to which Work Program Activities and Resources should be created in the P6 Primavera Transfer module.
Exporting Estimation to Primavera.mp4
04* (Operation 4), we ensure that all Work Program activities, with their Monetary and Quantitative values, are primarily created in the Avinal ERP Analysis module, in line with the ALGORITHM we have constructed.
Information; Activity Analysis is a module in ERP where all data in Primavera is first created from Discovery, then fed from P6, and a copy of P6 with all source and time details.
Primavera and Activity Analysis; They feed each other with some transaction updates in both directions. (Process 4 is Double-sided)
This activity scheme created in Primavera is also created in ERP with all its details. All kinds of data required for Primavera can be read from Avinal ERP or transferred to it without opening Primavera.
For this reason, all kinds of reports in details that cannot be obtained from "Primavera" can be reported from within Avinal ERP.
At the same time in this process; Activities, Resource libraries, WBS structure, Code structure, Resources of Activities, with all quantitative, monetary, man-hour values, and also with the production managers were sent to Primavera with a "Single Click".
What did we do with this proccess?
- We got rid of the "Data Burden" to be done on Primavera
- We left the Planning Manager with his skills in Primavera.
At this point, the planning officer will do;
It is only to make the predessor and successor connections of the activities, to give the “OD” durations and to shape the “Work Program” by pressing the “F9” calculation key in P6.
Keep in mind that;
All the data Primavera needs is in the "ERP for Construction Project Management".
Their programs are simply CPM (Critical Path Method) calculators that give us the "Temporal Dimension" of Activities and fabrications. This temporal dimension of all manufacturing and phases of the contract, which has been resolved by Primavera, should also be transferred to ERP with "Single Click". (in proccess 07*, it is bidirectional)
If we can't get this "Temporary Dimension" correctly, it needs to be solved in the ERP;
a - You cannot organize your Purchasing, Material Requirements Lists by time
b - You Cannot Create Your Material Purchase Plan and Payment Plans correctly
c - You Don't Know Your Budget and Cash Flow
d - You Can't Do Your Team Optimizations
e - You cannot direct your Subcontractors and Teams to Correct Manufacturing with Weekly Work Orders.
In a "Construction Project Management ERP" program, there are 2 more modules that must be included;
A- Manufacturing Detection; It is the module where the realizations are detected with IFC or Avinal-Specific Android tablet and PDF files and registered with "Single Click".
B- Budget; It is the module in which all kinds of reports related to "Budget and Cash Flow", which are created with "Single Click" according to the temporal values of the activity analysis, and which also exchange data with accounting, stock, are shaped in accordance with the "Time Dimension".
In these 2 modules; All discovery, as in Primavera, has to be found in a different algorithmic order, but with all monetary and quantitative as well as temporal values.
08* proccess; Transferring data from "Activity Analysis" to "Manufacturing Detection" Module with "Single Click".
Avinal ERP-Manufacturing Detection.mp4
In the Manufacturing Detection Module, making updates calculates occurrences on a per-source basis.
process 09*; It ensures that all data in the "Manufacturing Detection" module are strengthened every week with "Manufacturing Detections" made with IFC or Android tablets in the field. You will see the importance and detail of this in the "Manufacturing Detection" box in the graphic.
process 10*; The next week, it transfers the latest status to IFC or Android tablets for field determinations for updates.
process 11*; It transfers the updated status in Manufacturing Detection to Activity Analysis, it performs the updates on the basis of resource and activity in Primavera with operations 5 and 6.
Primavera, process 11*; Activity Analysis, Activity Analysis (Manufacturing determinations, etc.)
SO As a result, there is a cyclical process between Primavera, Bid-Discovery, Activity Analysis, Manufacturing Detection, every week.
You will be able to watch these details with more content when you “click” on the relevant Module boxes.
When we summarize the Cycle between these Modules;
Making updates in the "Manufacturing Detection" Module means calculating the realization rates of the productions.
Considering that the realization rates of the productions are also the realization rates of the "Activity Analysis" resources;
It turns out that from the "Manufacturing Detection" Module, "Single Click" and "Activity Analysis" can also be updated including "Realization, AS and AF".
Updating "Activity Analysis" can also be sent to Primavera with "Single Click". This process ensures that Primavera is also updated automatically.
These “Single-Click” processes continue as a continuous process between the realizations from BIM > Manufacturing Detection > Activity Analysis > Primavera.
Here, the following cycle emerges in the ERP system;
Manufacturing Detection > Activity Analysis > Primavera updates > Offer-Discovery-Progress Payments > Activity Analysis > Manufacturing Detection
process 12*; From the "Manufacturing Detection" Module, we can create weekly or monthly progress reports, including subcontractor progress payments, with "Single Click".
process 13*;
Transferring data from "Activity Analysis" to "Budget" Module with "Single Click". Budget update
Information; Core Data in Construction ERP Systems.docx