As mentioned in the Quantity Module Explanations;
Quantities are taken from the BIM model in Avinal ERP. We model the projects that come as “DWG” from all disciplines in 3D in the “Allplan” program and take the quantities for all disciplines from these 3D models.


Yes, this is a fact that can be done. BUT Does it make sense?
If there are 300 different types of "Hotel Rooms" in a Hotel project, should we process the same productions for each room in the model in order to get a quantity in 3D modelling? Or by copying the productions that are the same for each room from the “Sample Room” to other types of rooms with the “Field Poses” obtained from the “Room Definition” described in the video below, and by automatically matching the areas of these poses in the rooms where they are copied?


Room Definition Feature in Allplan.mp4


In this video you have seen how to achieve the “Field Poses” starting with 500 below.


500010.1DOS       Floor Area                                                       m²
5000010.2DUV     Wall Area                                                        m²
500010.3TAV        Ceiling Area                                                    m²
500010.4SUP       Skirting Length                                                mt
500010.5ALAN     Room Based Area in Architectural Projects    m²
500010.5CEV       Perimeter of Room Based Area                      mt
500010.6ALC       Surface Area in Gypsum Board Walls             m²
500010.6BET       Column and Curtain Concrete Surface Area   m²
500010.6GAZ       Gas Concrete Wall Surface Area                    m²
500010.7BET        Source for repair mortar Area                         m²
500010.7GAZ        Plaster Welding Area                                      m²


Yes, Friends, we, in Allplan, take the quantities by “embedding with Manufacturing” only 1 of the type rooms in the 3D model, and in the “Practical Quantity” module, we copy these “Sample Room Manufacturing” to other similarly functional spaces.


These 500 poses in the places we copied came from Allplan to Practical Metrage, OK.
BUT, when the real coating productions in the sample room are copied from the type room to these rooms, they take on their real m2 by using the m2 values of these poses in that room.

5 Star Barut Hotel Didim.mp4


I explain this subject in the video below by applying and visualizing it in the Didim Barut Hotel, A Block, Practical Quantity module.


Pratical Quantity Module Function.mp4